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What is the significance of making Mocha as new flagship of WEY?

As a high-end SUV under Great Wall Motor (GWM), the WEY brand has attracted the

English2021-04-12 16:51:09

3年内推9款车型 长城汽车泰国市场发布GWM品牌


行业2021-02-09 21:58:43

Great Wall Motor enters the chip industry

Great Wall Motor (GWM) and Horizon Robotics signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement, focusing on advanced assisted driving, high-level autonomous driving and smart cockpit directions, jointly exploring automotive smart technology, developing market-leading smart car products, and quickly deploying autonomous driving, smart networking, etc. Intelligent core technology accelerates the development and mass production of smart cars.

English2021-02-09 13:57:44

GWM textbook-style naming marketing

If you want to ask a Chinese car brand whose marketing is excellent, then Great Wall Motor's WEY must be considered one. Especially in recent years, there have been more and more textbook-level cases targeting young consumers.

English2021-01-21 17:27:56

GWM's November sales increased 26% YoY

IIA learned that the cumulative sales of Great Wall Motor (GWM) in November was 145,240, a year-on-year increase of 26% and a month-on-month increase of 7%. Meanwhile, from January to November, the cumulative sales of GWM were 961,489 units. In addition, in November, GWM's overseas sales reached 9,302 units, up 94% year-on-year.

English2020-12-08 13:21:22

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1售价或超60万元 LEVC L380将于6月25日上市
售价或超60万元 LEVC L380将于6月25日上市


2家族同款设计 阿维塔07内饰曝光
家族同款设计 阿维塔07内饰曝光


32024款红旗H6上市 售17.98万-23.98万元
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4上汽大通新途V90/V70限时优惠 最高优惠价值3万
上汽大通新途V90/V70限时优惠 最高优惠价值3万


5极狐 阿尔法S5正式上市 售17.68万-21.68万元
极狐 阿尔法S5正式上市 售17.68万-21.68万元

2024年6月15日,极狐 阿尔法S5正式上市。新车本次共推出3款车型,官方指导价为17.68万-21.68万元。

6岚图FREE 318正式上市 售价22.89万-26.69万元
岚图FREE 318正式上市 售价22.89万-26.69万元

6月14日,岚图FREE 318正式上市,新车共推出2款车型,售价区间为22.89万-26.69万元

7东风奕派eπ008正式上市 售价21.66万元
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8方程豹SUPER 3量产版官图发布 提供三种外观设计
方程豹SUPER 3量产版官图发布 提供三种外观设计

6月14日,方程豹SUPER 3量产版官图发布,新车定位中型SUV,并提供三种外观设计,新车预计在年内上市。

9小鹏M03申报图曝光 将面向10-15万级市场
小鹏M03申报图曝光 将面向10-15万级市场


102024款五菱缤果正式上市 售价5.68万-8.48万元
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