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将持续六年 福特和谷歌达成战略合作关系

日前,网通社从官方获悉,福特汽车宣布与谷歌(Google)达成战略合作伙伴关系,旨在帮助加速福特业务转型,重塑智能网联汽车体验。据了解,双方战略合作协议将持续六年,并计划从2023年开始福特和林肯品牌车型都将配备基于安卓车载操作系统(Android Automotive OS)开发的全新车载信息娱乐系统。

行业2021-02-02 17:53:23

2020 was just the beginning for Tesla

A few years ago, some people might question whether new energy vehicles can really replace fuel vehicles and become the mainstream of the automotive market in the future. However, as various countries announce the timing of the ban on the sale of fuel vehicles and their policy support for the new energy industry, there is no doubt that new energy vehicles have become one of the hottest topics at present.

English2021-02-01 17:40:02

How does IM build the future of travel?

On January 13, the IM brand was launched simultaneously in Shanghai, China, CES in Las Vegas, and London in the United Kingdom. It is a new user-based automotive technology and innovation company jointly created by SAIC, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and Alibaba Group. The company is committed to achieving the "transformation of mobility in the intelligent age".

English2021-01-19 17:57:51

Annual output of BBAC exceeds 600,000 units, up for 11 years in a row

IIA has learned that the production of Beijing Benz Automotive Co., Ltd. (BBAC) in 2020 exceeded 600,000 vehicles and achieved rapid growth for 11 consecutive years. At the same time, in 2020, BBAC achieved a total of 3 million engines and the 3 millionth vehicle rolled off the assembly line.

English2021-01-18 18:16:24

Kia's new logo caters to consumption upgrades

Electrification and intelligent networking continue to update the automotive market. In order to adapt to the current market environment to a greater extent, many domestic and foreign automotive brands have begun to try to launch new car logos to create brand-new brand stories and transfer brand values to the present Of consumers. And behind every new logo is bound to bear a grand plan.

English2021-01-15 17:46:07

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14月零跑交付15005台 C11\C10交付破万
4月零跑交付15005台 C11\C10交付破万


2吉利熊猫卡丁开启预售 预售价4.98万元
吉利熊猫卡丁开启预售 预售价4.98万元

网通社从官方渠道获悉,吉利熊猫卡丁开启预售 预售价4.98万元,新车官方定位“都市微电卡丁车”。

3理想汽车4月交付新车25787辆 同比增长0.4%
理想汽车4月交付新车25787辆 同比增长0.4%


42024款奇瑞瑞虎7上市 售7.49万起
2024款奇瑞瑞虎7上市 售7.49万起


54月小米SU7交付7058台 累计锁单突破8.8万台
4月小米SU7交付7058台 累计锁单突破8.8万台


6极氪4月交付16089台 同比增长99%
极氪4月交付16089台 同比增长99%


7理想L6售24.98万元起 上市12天订单破20000
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