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GWM's Q3 revenue reached 26.21 bln yuan, up 23.6% YoY

On October 23, Great Wall Motor released its third quarter financial report. IIA learned that in the third quarter of this year, GWM's total operating income was 26.21 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.6% and a month-on-month increase of 11.5%. The net profit attributable to the parent company was 1.44 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.9%, the gross profit margin was 19%, and the vehicle sales volume was 286,000. From January to September this year, GWM achieved a total operating income of 62.14 billion yuan.

English2020-10-26 11:16:06

GWM sold nearly 90,000 vehicles worldwide in August

On September 7, IIA obtained the August 2020 sales data from Great Wall Motor (GWM). In August, the automaker sold a total of 89,442 vehicles, up 14% from the previous month and 27% year-on-year. 82,594 vehicles were sold in the domestic market, an increase of 15% month-on-month and 32% year-on-year, and 6,848 vehicles were sold in overseas markets, an increase of 9% month-on-month.

English2020-09-08 14:27:41

GWM: How to break through the barriers?

On August 11, the 12th China Auto Blue-Book Forum (CABF 2020) with the theme of "The Winter Buds" was held in Wuhan. In this forum, Mr. Wei Jianjun, Chairman of Great Wall Motor (GWM), as one of the important guests, proposed an important barrier for traditional car companies to face transformation. As the helm of Great Wall Motors, the reform of traditional car companies is imperative. Only by breaking through himself can he gain the recognition of consumers and a larger potential market.

English2020-08-13 17:56:36

GWM's global sales in July increased by 30% YoY

On August 9, Great Wall Motor (GWM) released its sales data for July 2020. In July, GWM’s sales at home and abroad were eye-catching, with a total of 78,339 vehicles sold, up 30% year-on-year. A total of 6,300 vehicles were exported in July, an increase of 75% from the previous month.

English2020-08-10 15:05:31

Through Brabus, how does WEY make itself better?

By creating high-end local brands, launching higher-level, larger-size, and more luxurious models, breaking the price ceiling of 150,000 has become the usual method for mainstream Chinese auto brands. The WEY brand can be said to be a model of success among local brands. When it broke through the inherent price system, it inevitably launched a head-on confrontation with joint venture products.

English2020-07-08 17:28:16

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