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    来源:网通社 2012-10-29 15:29


    “风云车”─ 每年一个路标,使变化不再莫测Best Cars ― One milestone each year, changes are no longer unfathomable


    从2002年开始从未间断过的“风云车”市场调查活动就像曲径上竖立起的密集路标,为人们记录走过的路,指出下一步的方向。令ams中国团队自豪的是,10年来,这一由汽车期刊独自进行的调研活动始终保持着它的惟一性,严谨地呈交自己对市场的新发现。在中国市场上销售的446款候选车型,48个汽车品牌进入调查范围。通过对选票的统计分析,我们得出十类最佳车型、购买意愿和品牌形态指标的最新排行。“风云车”的Image Surfer 软件能将统计结果按照品牌进行定制,可以做到对单一产品进行更加深入的分析,因此其参考价值也愈客观。“风云车”的精准分析将成为您分析市场的一个有效工具。

    The Chinese market is characterized by new, rapid and large scale developments. This brings unlimited attraction and exciting changes. The annual Best Cars market survey, uninterrupted since 2002, has established a series of milestones in the tortuous paths, pointing towards future trends. The ams Chinese team is especially proud that this activity has maintained its unique position as the only survey independently carried out by an automobile magazine. Its professionalism, rigorousness and non-profitability distinguish Best Cars, making it highly respected in this age of imitations.The survey includes 446 models from 48 brands in the China market. From the analysis votes, we've got the latest ten best car models, the purchasing will and brand image.If these results are not enough for you, the Image Surfer software of the Best Cars will tailor the results per your request. It can provide you the in-depth analysis of one single brand, and this will offer you valuable reference directly from the readers. The precise analysis from Best Cars will offer you a valuable tool for market analysis.


